

At ESOICH We help increase the productivity of our clients, due to our vast collections of products, we design and deliver world-class technology products that are very powerful and even more affordable. our products includes;

The Mirdex Family


Mirdex is a trademark of Esoich, Mirdex is a collection of all our business softwares. The Mirdex team work together and carried out professional researches to bring to you the best among the best of business softwares.

Mirdex Hospital Management Systems(HMS).

Mirdex HMS is a rich-interactive solution for the business and clinical needs of Hospitals, Clinics and Nursing Homes. This user-friendly application covers all areas of hospital management...

Mirdex School Management Systems

Mirdex School Management System is a complete solution for managing different educational instituttions. It covers both the business and academic needs of any education intitutions...

Mirdex Hotel Management Systems

Mirdex Hotel Management Software is a powerful and very flexible tool that can be used to manage hotesl of any size. It performs essential financial and organizational functions for hotels, motels, resorts....

Mirdex Restaurant Management Software

Mirdex Restaurant management software helps you optimize your restuarant business to increase the growth of your business, with a very advance set of function

Mirdex Accounting Software


Mirdex Accounting Software is a State-of-the-art Solution that can help any organisation archieve all improvement it needs in its business, with a sophisticated world-class functionality / features making this accounting software

Mirdex Payroll Manager


A fully integrated, comprehensive and complete tool to manage the payroll section of any organisation. it ensures the integrity of your information allowing you to focus on a proper management of your staffs...

Mirdex Super-Market Management System

Mirdex Supermarket Manager is a highly responsive and easy to use solution for the automation of supermarket management from small scale to a very large supermarket. Efective supermarket...

Mirdex Christian Software

The finest and most comprehensive suite for managing any christian organisation such as Churches, Christian Meetings, Cells, and others. Mirdex Christian Manager is a highly responsive, fast, easy and user-friendly...

Mirdex Transportation Manager(TMS)

An highly interactive user-friendly software for the automation of transport companies such as; For-Hire and LTL Carriers, truck brokers, private car hire services, railway, inter and intra city transport service providers..

Mirdex Library Software.


Mirdex Library Management System is an advance and elegant library management software which is designed to make carrying out the day to day library activities very easy. It is suitable for special...

Mirdex General Business Solution

Mirdex Business manager is a solution with state-of-the-art functionalities, it comprises of various mirdex solution functions such as mirdex payroll, mirdex accounting system, mirdex sales manager and alot of others..

Mirdex Pharmacy/Lab Solution

A rich-interactive solution for managing medical stores, this software comes with sophisticated functions that makes managing a pharmacy as easy and effective as possible, it is highly customizable....

More From Esoich

Humid Web browser

Humid is a web browser application developed under the ESOICH open source license for the sole purpose of keeping the web open to all ESOICH  users, with the key features of speed and security

Esoich Viaf®

A complete video/Voice chat solution that can be used in any organisation for conferences, board meetings and so on. Viaf can be integrated into any organisation and works online or can be installed on a LAN.


T.I.Z is an open source software developed under the Esoich Open source license. which is used for downloading videos from video playing site such as youtube,Thanks to the T.I.Z team for their continous effort trying to...